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New Releases 05/2021

Last updated on 4 years ago
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
It's May already so we start a new monthly thread with PlayStation Official (AUS) issue 82 being the first official post for the month after kitsunebi added his fab post today to the April thread. Pfft

Posted 4 years ago
What are you talking about? The last TEN new releases got posted to the April thread despite being released in May. I honestly don't know why we need monthly threads anyway, since clicking on the thread name takes you directly to the most current post.
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
Hehehe!! I was waiting for that!! Grin

I can move all the appropriate posts .... mainly yours and well, yours ... from the April thread to this one.

But given the propensity for the coders of PHP-Fusion to not look at other platforms when coding .... No real-time updating the Shoutbox, separating PM inbox/outbox etc ... I am sticking with monthly release threads in case there is some arbitrary post limits and all of a sudden we can't add anything and I have to try and fix it.
Posted 4 years ago
Well, we could make an experimental test thread and see how many posts we can copy/paste to it before it breaks. Pfft

I've never liked the monthly new release post format ever since I once caught myself thinking "it's only a couple of days till a new month starts, so I should hold off on my new release until then so that the post doesn't get buried..." Thinking like that isn't good for anyone.
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
Found a few CD-Rom's in the basement that came with various magazines like PC Format, PC PowerPlay, PC User and PC Gamer (USA). I had a check over at IS and some do not appear to have been imaged and released over there. I thought I might as well ISO them and release them here until such time as the space is needed on the Mediafire account for magazine scans at which point I will go ahead and delete them to free up space.

So if you are interested in them feel free to grab them if only for nostalgia's sake.

KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
Okay .... so the Move functionality is screwed because it doesn't retain the original date/time info and just plonks it at the end of the thread as can be seen from moving my CD-Rom post across. Sigh!!!!!!!

@kitsunebi - And you still want to try and break something? Pfft

Still, I'd prefer to move your posts across too even though out of order simply to get them in the right month.
Edited by Kiwi on 03/05/2021, 4 years ago
Posted 4 years ago
Maybe I'll use the Dragon Quest thread and make a separate post containing a picture for every piece of Dragon Quest merchandise/memorabilia I can find. That should be good for a few million posts.Pfft

Go ahead and move them if you like. I have no such capability. (Though since it just adds them to the end, I suppose I could just copy and paste the posts and the result would be the same.)
Posted 4 years ago
Famicom Tsuushin (aka Famitsu) issue 84 is now online. This is (I think) the last Famitsu I have from the 80s.

Download Here: http://www.oldgamemags.net/infusions/...ad_id=7083


ファミコン通信 1989年09月29日号 ファミ通 No.89
Posted 4 years ago
Play Online No.017 is now online.

Download Here: http://www.oldgamemags.net/infusions/...ad_id=7115


Play Online No.017 1999年11月号
Posted 4 years ago
I've added Comptiq No.257 to the download pool. And while I was at it, I also scanned that issue's supplement, a Galaxy Angel PS2 guide. And, heck, why not, I also uploaded the demo disc, the link to which is in the description. Smile

Download Comptiq No.257 here: http://www.oldgamemags.net/infusions/...ad_id=7122
Download Galaxy Angel Saisoku Kouryaku File PS2 edition supplement here: http://www.oldgamemags.net/infusions/...ad_id=7123


コンプティークNo.257 2003年5月号
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
I have scanned the bradygames official World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Strategy Guide and added it to the Game Guides area.

KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
Five issues of Official PlayStation Magazine (US) have been added to the download area, those being 71, 72, 73, 75 and 88. Thanks go out to JabbaTheGamer for purchasing these for scanning and Jason for doing the scanning.

Edited by Kiwi on 04/05/2021, 4 years ago
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
ST Action issue 64 has been added to the download area. This issue was quite late in Atari era with the whole ST computer range being discontinued the following year.

KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
The August 1990 issue of Bits & Bytes is now available.

KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
Another little weirdo mag today in the form of the November 1983 issue of Sinclair Programs, a magazine providing type-in listings for software for the Spectrum ZX-81/81 series of home computers. I remember the days of typing in game listings only them to fail very well. Pfft

KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
We finish the night off with Computer Games: Strategy Plus issue 40 thanks to J.Cameron who kindly donated his print copy for me to scan.

KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
Computer Games: Strategy Plus issue 46 is now available. That brings us up to 115 of 196 issues preserved of this title!!

Edited by Kiwi on 05/05/2021, 4 years ago
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
Five issues of Official PlayStation Magazine (US) have been added to the download pool. They are 67, 69, 74, 95 and 96.

Posted 4 years ago
Famitsu issue 1373 is our latest release from me to you.
Get it here: http://oldgamemags.net/infusions/down...ad_id=7215

ファミ通No.1373 2015年04月09日号
KiwiKiwiSuper Admin
Posted 4 years ago
The last issue I possess of Incite Video Gaming has been scanned and issue 09 is now available.

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